Burr!  Winter is in full force and it’s been a harsh one so far.  The below freezing temperatures, snow, ice and wind are wreaking havoc on parking lots throughout Indiana.  Although most repairs can’t be performed in cold conditions, there are certain parking lot repairs that can and should be addressed in the winter months to avoid the spread of problem areas and alleviate potential liabilities.  Below are several types of parking lot repairs that Otto’s Parking Marking can perform during the winter.

Asphalt Patching

When water penetrates asphalt cracks during the winter, it freezes, expands, and widens the cracks.  This process happens multiples times throughout the winter, worsening the cracks each time and eventually turning them into pot holes.  Pot holes should be repaired as soon as they are noticed.  Removal of the area and replacement with hot-mix asphalt is the most effective long-term repair.  However, the winter temperatures in Indiana are too cold to use hot-mix asphalt.  Therefore, treatment with cold patch asphalt should be used as a temporary repair.  Since this repair is only a band-aid to prevent the spread of the pot hole, the area should be removed and replaced when the temperature warms up in the spring.

Winter Parking Lot Repairs_Potholes

Parking Bumper Resetting and Replacement

Parking bumpers can be hard to see when the snow starts to pile up.  If bumpers and other objects in a parking lot aren’t marked appropriately, there is a good chance that they will be pushed around or damaged by snow plows.  It is important to make sure that the parking bumpers are reset in their correct location or removed and replaced if they are broken.  Misplaced or large, broken pieces of parking bumpers can be a trip hazard to employees and customers walking into a business.

broken bumper

Sign and Post Replacement

Frequent snow plowing, as well as exposure to high winds can cause damage to signs and sign posts, leaving them twisted, bent and in some cases, flat on the ground.  While this can make the parking lot an eyesore, there is a more serious issue at hand. Certain signs in a parking lot are required by law.  If an accessible parking space is missing the required signage, business owners could be fined for ADA non-compliance.  Click here to read more about ADA Accessible Parking requirements.


About Otto’s Parking Marking
Otto’s Parking Marking is an Indiana based pavement maintenance company, specializing in parking lot striping, signs, and parking bumpers.  If you notice any of the above issues in your parking lot this winter, it’s important to have them repaired quickly to avoid unnecessary lawsuits or worsening of the problem.  Call Otto’s Parking Marking at the first sign of damage.  Our dedicated professionals and highly trained crews are here to help with your winter parking lot repairs.